Category: Food

For the Falafel Faithful

Posted on by Paymon's Las Vegas in
Discussing the origins of ancient foods that people still love to enjoy today always seems to end in side-taking and passionate assurances that the dish in question was undoubtedly conceived of in one or another’s native land. One of those foods is falafel – the delectable little gold fritters, made from soaked chickpeas, parsley, garlic, […]

Restaurant Etiquette: Cell Phones

Posted on by Paymon's Las Vegas in
The sound of conversation in restaurants these days sound quite different than in the past. Now we hear the click clack of texting and the buzzing or beeping of texts being received. Where cellphones once posed a nuisance as people chatted loudly into them during meals, they now present a whole new set of etiquette […]

Start off Your Summer Break with a Celebration

Posted on by Paymon's Las Vegas in
summer hookah lounge
With temperatures rising outside, it’s time to take the summer break celebrations indoors. Paymon’s hookah lounge offers a modern entertaining environment in an intimate setting. So don’t let the heat get you down, and make sure you visit Paymon’s Hookah Lounge.   From Local Nights and a daily happy hour, Paymon’s has the best celebration […]

Stuffed Grape Leaves – Food of the Gods!

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Stuffed Grape Leaves
Ask someone from Greece for the origin of dolmas (stuffed grape leaves), and they will tell you that they were served atop Mount Olympus along with ambrosia and nectar. And although you see references to Greek, Lebanese, Turkish, and other areas of the world, nothing consistently distinguishes one from the other. It is clear, however, […]

3 Ways to Get to Know Your Coworkers during Happy Hour

Posted on by Paymon's Las Vegas in
An office is a place most people build friendships in—and it could be your only friends. You are bound to make friendships with people you spend almost 90 percent of your time in the week. Coworker bonding often happens in the breakroom, but the walls of the workplace confine you to express yourself. Let your […]

What’s the Difference between Baba Ganoush and Hummus?

Posted on by Paymon's Las Vegas in
Baba Ganosh
We love dipping our pita chips and bread in them, but they always seem to confuse us due to their texture. These two Mediterranean dishes are ideal vegetarian sides and just plain delicious before a meal. We are talking about the almost similar hummus and baba ganoush, the two dips who often get confused for […]